Code of Professional Ethics

Purpose and Scope

This Code of Professional Ethics (hereinafter called the "Code") lays down the standards of integrity, professionalism and confidentiality which all members of the Albiariq shall be bound to respect in their work as conference interpreters. Candidates and pre-candidates shall also undertake to adhere to the provisions of this Code. The Disciplinary and Disputes Committee, acting in accordance with the provisions of the Statutes, shall impose penalties for any breach of the rules of the profession as defined in this Code.

Code of Honor

Members of the Albiariq shall be bound by the strictest secrecy, which must be observed towards all persons and with regard to all information disclosed in the course of the practice of the profession at any gathering not open to the public.

Members shall refrain from deriving any personal gain whatsoever from confidential information they may have acquired in the exercise of their duties as conference interpreters.

Members of the Albiariq shall not accept any assignment for which they are not qualified. Acceptance of an assignment shall imply a moral undertaking on the member's part to work with all due professionalism.

Any member of the Albiariq recruiting other conference interpreters, be they members of the Albiariq or not, shall give the same undertaking.

Members of the Albiariq shall not accept more than one assignment for the same period of time.

Members of the Albiariq shall not accept any job or situation which might detract from the dignity of the profession.

They shall refrain from any act which might bring the profession into disrepute.
For any professional purpose, members may publicize the fact that they are conference interpreters and members of the Albiariq, either as individuals or as part of any grouping or region to which they belong.

It shall be the duty of members of the Albiariq to afford their colleagues moral assistance and collegiality.

Members shall refrain from any utterance or action prejudicial to the interests of the Albiariq or its members. Any complaint arising out of the conduct of any other member or any disagreement regarding any decision taken by the Albiariq shall be pursued and settled within the Albiariq itself.

Any problem pertaining to the profession which arises between two or more members of the Albiariq, including candidates and pre-candidates, may be referred to the Disciplinary and Disputes Committee for arbitration, except for disputes of a commercial nature.

Working Conditions

With a view to ensuring the best quality interpretation members of Albiariq;

Shall endeavour always to secure satisfactory conditions of sound, visibility and comfort, having particular regard to the Professional Standards as adopted by the Albiariq as well as any technical standards drawn up or approved by it.

Shall not, as a general rule, when interpreting simultaneously in a booth, work either alone or without the availability of a colleague to relieve them should the need arise.

Shall try to ensure that teams of conference interpreters are formed in such a way as to avoid the systematic use of relay.

Shall not agree to undertake either simultaneous interpretation without a booth or whispered interpretation unless the circumstances are exceptional and the quality of interpretation work is not thereby impaired.

Require a direct view of the speaker and the room and therefore will not agree to working from screens except in exceptional circumstances where a direct view is not possible, provided the arrangements comply with the Association's appropriate technical specifications and rules.

Shall require that working documents and texts to be read out at the conference be sent to them in advance.

shall request a briefing session whenever appropriate.

Shall not perform any other duties except that of conference interpreter at conferences for which they have been taken on as interpreters.
Members of the Albiariq shall neither accept nor, a fortiori, offer for themselves or for other conference interpreters recruited through them